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Monthly Market Roundup                                     Market Outlook: July
                                                           Going ahead, Indian equity markets will remain
Indian equity markets          due to reduction in tax     volatile this month due to implementation of Goods
started the month of           evation and it will be      and Service Tax (GST). Investors are under the cloud
June with upward bias          positive for the growth of  of uncertainty over the implications of the GST on
and touched all time           the Indian economy.         individuals and corporates. While the government
week of the month.                                         expects GST to revolutionise India's taxing system
The market sentiments          with downward bias as       and is being marketed as one nation one tax. It will
turned negative due to         S&P BSE Sensex delivered    lower the cost of goods and services give a boost to
major events i.e. RBI kept     negative returns of 0.72%   the economy and improve ease of doing business.
interest rates unchanged,      to settle at 30921.61 and   long term.
banks NPA crisis, weak         Nifty 50 lost 1.04% ending  Further, progress of monsoon rains, trends in global
global cues, US Fed rate       the month at 9520.90.       markets, Q1FY18 corporate earnings, monsoon
hike and implementation        On the institutional side,  session of parliament which will be started from on
of GST. Investors were         foreign institutional       17th July, 2017 and presidential election results are
cautious ahead of rollout      investors (FIIs) bought     the major factors which will impact the markets. On
of GST and expectations        Rs 3,616.82 crore worth of  the global front, the US FOMC meeting minutes,
that it will hamper            equities during the month   European Central Bank (ECB) monetary policy and
corporate earnings. India      while domestic mutual       Japanese monetary policy will be keenly watched
got freedom from tax           fund houses continued       by market participants. Hence, we recommend
corruption as the much         their buying spree          investors to invest in fundamentally sound
awaited GST rolled out         with net purchases of       companies with long term view.
on 1st July, 2017 marking      Rs 6,954.27 crore in June    Nifty Technical Outlook: July
India's biggest tax reform     2017.
since independence. The                                         Nifty
government will be the
                                                            On the monthly chart, we are observing a doji
Economic Data Wrap Up –June                                 prevailing at current levels. In the coming month if
                                                            Nifty trades and closes above 9574 level then it is
¡ India's May Nikkei              from 2.99% in Apr.        likely to test 9650 – 9727 – 9815 levels. However, if
   manufacturing PMI fell      ¡ India’s May WPI            Nifty trades and closes below 9466 level then it can
   to 51.6 from 52.5 in Apr.                                test 9391 – 9315 – 9226 levels.
                                  from 3.85% in Apr.        Broadly, we are of the opinion that for current
¡ India’s May Nikkei           ¡ India’s May trade          month as long as Nifty holds 9391 on daily
   Services PMI rose to                                     closing basis there is high probability that Nifty
   52.2 from 50.2 in Apr.         from $6.27 bln YoY.       may test the 9800 – 9900 in couple of months.
                               ¡ India’s May core sector    Investors should pick up quality stocks for long-
¡ India’s Apr IIP growth                                    term horizon to gain from the uptrend.
   fell to 3.1% from 3.8% in      growth rose to 3.6%
   Mar.                           from 2.8% in Apr.

¡ India’s May CPI

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