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Monthly Market Roundup                                              Market Outlook: November
                                                                    Going ahead, Indian equity markets are in a bull
The bulls continued their          boosted market sentiments.       phase and look positive. Government is not leaving
party on Dalal Street with         Further, global markets          any stone unturned to bring the economy on track.
markets delivering robust          rallied on expectations that     The mega announcement on bank recapitalization
returns of 6% in October,          the US Fed will leave rates      will strengthen banks which will lead to more jobs,
its best monthly gain since        unchanged also helped            more growth and encourage investment. Market
March 2016. Benchmark              investor sentiment.              participants will closely watch GST council meeting,
indices Sensex and Nifty                                            implementation of bank recapitalization and road
touched record high levels         The month finally ended          building programme. Apart from this, Q2FY18
of 33340.17 and 10384.50           with upward bias as S&P          ongoing corporate earnings, US FOMC meeting,
respectively after the             BSE Sensex delivered             BOE monetary policy, BOJ monetary Policy, FIIs
government announced               positive returns of 6.17%        trend, currency movement and crude oil price
unprecedented measure              to settle at 33213.13 and        movement are the major factors which will decide
of recapitalizing public           Nifty50 gained 5.59%             the market direction. We recommend investors to
sector banks to the tune           ending the month at              stay invested in fundamentally sound companies for
of Rs 2.11 lakh crore and          10335.30.                        long term.
a massive road building                                              Nifty Technical Outlook: November
programme Rs 6.92 lakh             On the institutional side,
crore. PSU banks and infra         foreign institutional                  Nifty
stocks pushed the market           investors (FIIs) bought Rs
to fresh record high levels.       3,054.97 crore worth of            On the monthly chart, after two months of consolidation
Apart from this, early             equities during the month          we are observing strong bull candle which suggests that
opinion polls predicted            while domestic mutual              upside momentum is likely to continue. In the coming
victory for BJP in Gujarat         fund houses continued              month if Nifty trades and closes above 10442 level then
and Himachal Pradesh               their buying spree with net        it is likely to test 10604 – 10765 – 10954 levels. However,
assembly elections also            purchases of Rs 8,620.70           if Nifty trades and closes below 10227 level then it can
                                   crore in October 2017.             test 10066 – 9905 – 9717 levels.
                                                                      Broadly, we are of the opinion that for current month
Economic Data Wrap Up – October                                       9905 remains strong support for the markets. Hence,
                                                                      as long as Nifty holds this mentioned level we are of
¡	 India's Sep Nikkei                 to 2.60% from 3.24% in          the opinion that Nifty may test 10700 – 10900 levels in
   manufacturing PMI at 51.2          Aug.                            couple of months.
   unchanged from Aug.
                                   ¡	 India’s Sep trade deficit
¡	 India’s Sep Nikkei Services        fell to $8.98 bln from
   PMI rose to 50.7 from 47.5 in      $11.64 bln in Aug.
                                   ¡	 India’s Sep core sector
¡	 India’s Aug IIP growth rose        growth rose to 5.2% from
   to 4.3% from 0.9% in Jul.          4.4% in Aug.

¡	 India’s Sep CPI inflation fell  ¡	 India’s Apr-Sep fiscal
   to 3.28% from 3.36% in Aug.        deficit rose to Rs 4.99 trln
                                      from Rs 4.48 trln YoY.
¡	 India’s Sep WPI inflation fell

3 ARIHANT CAPITAL ¡ novembER 2017
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