Page 10 - 1411_Value Plus june 2016
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Commodities….……Run out?

                                                                         Yes its right! Major commodities like Gold, Silver, Copper &
                                                                        Crude oil are at high risk as their glorious run may end if Fed
                                                                      hikes key interest rates. Investors & speculators will withdraw
                                                                    their positions from risky commodities if Fed provides them an
                                                                   opportunity to increase their portfolio in the green back. Gold
                                                                 will lose its sheen to get back to its primary bearish trend while the
                                                               current relief rally seen in crude oil after a disastrous run in 2015,
                                                             may also take a U-turn. Industrial metals like copper will see their
                                                            worst phase since a slake demand in China is already pressurizing the
                                                          key metal. BUT what happens if the Fed leaves interest rates
                                                        unchanged? In this scenario too, commodities will be a loser in long run
                                                      since Fed, in that case will just postpone the hike and not cancel it. So
                                                     within next quarter, Fed will most probably take the step. Leaving interest
                                                   rate unchanged may propel a small rally in bullion BUT is not likely to impact
                                                 crude oil as the fuel of the fuels will eye on much bigger event like OPEC
                                                meeting due on the same day as Fed.

Equities…....Caught behind?

Equity markets in US, Europe & China will see a major
fund withdrawal if the US Fed hikes interest rates in its
upcoming meet. If it doesn’t, then markets will get some more
time to concentrate on core fundamentals so that they can
prepare themselves against a certain hike this year. Indian
markets are however on a far better note and are looking
prepared against a sell-off if rates are hiked. A sound recovery &
growth coupled with strong leadership are some of the factors that
the world has begun to view India as a savior. So, Indian investors
have nothing to worry in case of a Fed rate hike. Any reaction sell-off
will be temporary and can be used for entry in the market. In case rate
hike is postponed, it will only add to the strength.

                                          ‘Brexit’…….……A Free Hit?

                                                                           Referendum on 23rd June, 2016 in Britain over its exit from
                                                                         European Union is viewed as a major event after US Fed
                                                                       meeting concludes on 15th June, 2016. However, the half
                                                                      baked theories surrounding the much hyped event have left
                                                                    investors in a tizzy. Even if Britain decides to exit from EU, it will
                                                                  take two years to initiate the step and apart from Europe, the
                                                                 event will not have any major negative impact on other economies.
                                                               Economies depended on European countries also don’t have to
                                                             worry as the impact will not prompt European companies to
                                                           withdraw their investments. Actually, the event is likely to provide
                                                          good mileage to speculators. Post Fed meeting and OPEC meeting, the
                                                        outcome of Brexit will become more clear.

                                                                                                            10 ARIHANT CAPITAL ¡ JUNE 2016
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