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Monthly Market Roundup                                                 Market Outlook: September

Indian equity markets              markets traded volatile             Going ahead, the equity markets will continue to
started the month of               throughout the month                be influenced by global and domestic factors. The
August with positive               due to weak domestic                appointment of Mr Urjit R. Patel as the new RBI
bias as the most awaited           macro-economic data and             Governor is expected to give a positive boost to the
landmark legislation,              caution over US rate hike           Indian equity markets. Other major factors such as
GST Bill was passed in             that dented investors'              caution over US interest rate hike, macroeconomic
Parliament. Substantial            sentiments.                         events, movement of rupee against dollar, fluctuation
inflow of foreign funds                                                in crude oil prices and foreign fund inflow will be
and value buying at                The month finally ended             keenly watched for market movement. The US Federal
lower levels led to gains          with upward bias as S&P             Reserve meeting will be held on September 21, 2016.
which improved market              BSE Sensex delivering               We believe that the Fed rate hike factor has already
sentiments and benchmark           positive return of 1.43% to         been discounted by the markets and any possible hike
indices ended at their             settle at 28452.17 and Nifty        is expected to have limited impact. We recommend
highest level in over              50 gaining 1.71% ending             investors to invest in fundamentally sound companies
13-month. The Reserve              the month at 8786.20.               at attractive valuations.
Bank of India at its policy
meet kept key policy rates         On the institutional side,           Nifty Technical Outlook: September
unchanged citing upside            foreign institutional
risks to inflation which           investors (FIIs) bought Rs           The current price action on the monthly chart has
accelerated to a 22-month          9,071.30 crore worth of              closed well above the supply zone (shown above
high of 5.77% in June well         equities during the month            in the graph). At present, the monthly trend
above the 5% target set            while domestic mutual                remains up and suggests that the momentum
by the central bank for            fund houses bought Rs                on the upside is likely to continue. In coming
March 2017. Indian equity          2,717.00 crore in August             month if Nifty trades and close above 8846 level
                                   2016.                                then it is likely to test 8934 – 9022 – 9125 levels.
                                                                        However, if Nifty trades and close below 8725
Economic Data Wrap Up – August                                          level then it can test 8637 – 8549 – 8447 levels.
                                                                        Broadly, we are of the opinion that the monthly
¡	 India's Jul Nikkei              ¡	 India’s Jul WPI inflation rose    trend is up and 8500 – 8550 remains crucial
    manufacturing PMI rose to          to 3.55% from 1.62% in Jun.      support zone. As long as Nifty holds the above
    51.8 from 51.7 in Jun.                                              mentioned zone there is high probability that
                                   ¡	 India’s Jul trade deficit fell    Nifty may test above mentioned resistance
¡	 India’s Jul Nikkei Services         to $7.76 bln from $13.09 bln     levels. However, stock specific activity is likely to
    PMI rose to 51.9 from 50.3 in      YoY.                             continue ahead.
                                   ¡	 India’s Jul core sector growth                           3 ARIHANT CAPITAL ¡ SEPTEMBER 2016
¡	 India’s Jun IIP growth rose         fell to 3.2% from 5.2% in Jun.
    to 2.1% from 1.2% in May.
                                   ¡	 India’s Apr-Jun GDP growth
¡	 India’s Jul CPI inflation rose      at 7.1% from 7.5% YoY.
    to 6.07% from 5.77% in Jun.
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