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Monthly Market Roundup                                            Market Outlook: October
                                                                  Going ahead, Indian equity markets will remain
Indian equity markets             markets crashed on              volatile this month due to ongoing geopolitical
started the September             the back of likely fiscal       tensions between the US and North Korea. Investors
month on a weak note              stimulus, which could           will closely watch developments in North Korea.
due to geopolitical               increase the fiscal deficit.    The recent declines in the stock market, which were
worries between US and            The month finally ended         triggered by geopolitical tensions, aggravated on
North Korea but in the            with downward bias              worries about a further delay in corporate earnings
latter half of the month          as S&P BSE Sensex               revival. Apart from this, RBI monetary policy,
Nifty touched a record            delivered negative              Q2FY18 corporate earnings, US FOMC meeting
high of 10,178.95 on              returns of 1.41% to settle      minutes, ECB monetary policy, BOJ monetary Policy,
September 19. However,            at 31283.72 and Nifty50         FIIs trend, currency movement and crude oil price
the sell-off in the last          lost 1.30% ending the           movement will be the major factors to watch out
week of the month wiped           month at 9788.60.               for. Investors should invest in fundamentally sound
out those gains and               On the institutional side,      companies with long term horizon.
the benchmark indices             foreign institutional
ended with loss on likely         investors (FIIs) sold            Nifty Technical Outlook: October
another hydrogen bomb             Rs 11,392.27 crore worth
test by North Korea, S&P          of equities during the                    Nifty
downgraded China's                month while domestic
credit rating and the             mutual fund houses                On the monthly chart, we are observing two consecutive
US Federal Reserve                continued their buying            narrow body formations which resemble a Spinning
announced its plan to             spree with net purchases          top candlestick pattern. The said candlestick pattern
start reducing its balance        of Rs 15,825.84 crore in          suggests that the prior up trend is losing breath. In the
sheet in October and              September 2017.                   coming month if Nifty trades and closes above 9884
hinted one more rate hike                                           level then it is likely to test 10027 – 10171 – 10338 levels.
in December. Further                                                However, if Nifty trades and closes below 9692 level
                                                                    then it can test 9549 – 9406 – 9239 levels.
Economic Data Wrap Up – September                                   Broadly, we are of the opinion that for current month
                                                                    9540 level remains make or break level. Hence, one
¡	 India's Aug Nikkei              ¡	 India’s Aug WPI               can hold their long positions as long as Nifty holds the
   manufacturing PMI rose to          inflation rose to 3.24%       mentioned level.
   51.2 from 47.9 in Jul.             from 1.88% in Jul.

¡	 India’s Aug Nikkei Services     ¡	 India’s Aug trade deficit
   PMI fell to 47.5 from 45.9 in      rose to $11.64 bln from
   Jul.                               $7.71 bln YoY.

¡	 India’s Jul IIP growth rose to  ¡	 India’s Aug fiscal deficit
   1.2% from (-) 0.2% in Jun.         rose to Rs 201 bln from
                                      Rs 143 bln YoY.
¡	 India’s Aug CPI inflation rose
   to 3.36% from 2.36% in Jul.

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