Page 13 - Value Plus Jan 2016
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If you chose to invest in equity        5.	 Start as early as possible:                Managing and
      funds for long term say over ten              Delaying investment for child            optimizing your
      years, you can expect a return                education can compel you to take         investments may
      of 13% - 14% pa, however in                   undesired risk or compromising           be a very complex
      short-term your investment can                with your other goals which is           exercise. To help
      even deliver negative return. As              not recommended. Let’s assume            those who lack the
      each individual has a different               you need Rs 47.5 lacs after 15           time and expertise
      level of risk appetite you need               years and you can generate 12%           when it comes to
      to understand how much risk                   p.a. return on your investments.         investments, our team
      you are ready to take. For your               If you choose to start investing         of experts can help
      child’s long term needs, it is                today you will have to save Rs           you with planning
      recommended to invest a higher                9,987 p.m. even if you decide to         child’s future.
      portion of your money in equity.              invest only for initial 10 years
3.	 Asset Allocation: Depending on                  then also you will need to invest            but they won’t necessarily choose
      your risk appetite and investment             only Rs 12,039 p.m. Whereas                  the people that you would have
      horizon you can choose different              if you delay your investment                 preferred to take care of your
      mix of products spanning across               by 5 years you will have to                  children.
      asset classes like bank FD, debt              save Rs 21,210 pm to achieve           	 By appointing guardians you
      funds, direct equity, equity funds,           your targeted amount. So start               can ensure that your children
      gold and gold ETFs. You should                investing as early as possible               are looked after by the people
      avoid traditional child insurance             to get benefit of power of                   that you have chosen as the best
      plans, ULIPs and bank/post                    compounding.                                 people for the job.
      office fixed deposits because post                                                   9.	 Creating a child trust for tax
      tax returns on these investments        6.	Rebalancing: If you choose to                   saving: For taxation purpose,
      are not able to beat the inflation.           invest in high risk investments              income of minor child is clubbed
      Under fixed income you can                    such as equities/ equity mutual              in the income of the parent whose
      consider investment in:                       funds then before 3-4 years of the           total income is higher, hence
	 •	 public provident fund (PPF)                    goal year you should start shifting          attracting higher taxes. However
                                                    your investments in safe avenue              if a one hundred percent
         which gives post tax return of             like bank FD or debt funds and               beneficiary trust for a minor is
         8.7% p.a.(current rate)                    bonds so that market volatility              created with the provision of
	 •	 Sukanya Samriddhi account, for                 does not affect your goals. Your             deferment of the benefit until
         girl child, which gives post tax           investment planner can help you              the child is a minor child then
         return of 9.2% p.a. (current rate).        rebalance your portfolio.                    income arising in this trust would
	 Under equities you can choose                                                                  not be clubbed with the income
      equity mutual funds and under           7.	 Get Insured: Life is full of                   of father/mother of the child.
      gold you can choose gold ETFs.                uncertainties, and it is imperative          Trust route will not only help you
4.	 Decide monthly investment                       that you secure your child’s                 save substantial taxes but is also
      amount: With the help of a                    future. You should take pure term            helpful in clearly demarcating the
      financial planner, or by yourself,            plan (life insurance), accidental            funds for children.
      you can decide how much money                 insurance, disability insurance
      you need to invest every month                and critical insurance of adequate      The bottom line...
      to achieve the targeted amount                sum assured so that even in the
      you need for your child at various            unfortunate event of premature           Time is your strength when
      stages of their lives. Say you need           death, disability or critical illness    you are trying to save, so start
      Rs 47.5 lacs after 15 years for your          your child’s future remains              investing early and make sure
      daughter’s college education, first           protected.                               to take proper tax planning into
      you need is to estimate return on                                                      consideration. More importantly,
      your investments. Assuming the          8.	 Estate Planning: You should                invest in the right product and
      expected return is 12% pa, then               also consider writing a WILL             do not get lured by the emotional
      you need to invest Rs 9,987 per               early on so that assets and              advertising used by the financial
      month to achieve the targeted                 insurance amount which you               companies.
      amount.                                       have allocated for your children
                                                    can be utilized for their benefit.             13 ARIHANT CAPITAL ¡ JANUARY 2016
       LEARN MORE                                   While writing your WILL you
                                                    should also mention who will be
         Talk to us about child planning.           the guardian of your children in
         Call 9406683366 or Email us                case of premature death of both
         at for               the parents. If you fail to appoint
         arranging child planning session.          guardians in your WILL, the
                                                    decision to appoint the guardians
                                                    goes in the hands of the courts
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