Page 12 - Value Plus Jan 2016
P. 12

                           FOR YOUR
                           CHILD’S FUTURE:

                           SEARCH FOR
                           BEST CHILD
                           PLAN ENDS

                           By Umesh Rathi, CFPCM

The standard child         Every parent wants their           to secure your child future
plans provide enough               child to have the best     that will take care of all their
money to take care of              of everything in life. In  needs - education, marriage
rising cost of education,  today’s times, parents start       and even unfortunate death or
disability or death of     planning and saving for their      disability of parents.
parents or handle issues   child’s future the moment or       1.	 Set the Goal: When it
like guardianship of       even before their child is born.
children. To address all   Let’s face it, with the cost of          comes to estimating the
these issues we need a     living and inflation going up            amount for the child
customized plan instead    day by day, raising a child has          education most of us
of readymade plans         become even more expensive.              do guess work and
available in the market.   The easiest way for planning             underestimate the effect
                           your child’s future is to look           of inflation. To set the
                           for investment plans especially          child goals you should
                           designed for children.                   first assess the amount
                           Unfortunately the financial              required for the goal in
                           product manufacturer, whether            today’s value then decide
                           it is a bank, mutual fund or             target year and finally
                           an insurance company, is                 calculate the corpus
                           aware about your emotional               required in goal year by
                           attitude towards your                    giving effect of inflation.
                           children and hence advertises            Let’s assume you need
                           expensive child plans with               corpus Rs 15 lacs in
                           rosy promises to fulfill child           today’s value for child
                           dreams even when parents                 higher education after
                           are not alive. With such                 15 years, considering
                           marketing gimmicks, it is                inflation of 8% you would
                           easy for any individual to               require approx Rs 47.50
                           get lured by “child plans”               lacs at the goal year.
                           that are generally designed        2.	 Understand your Risk
                           to charge more for similar or            profile: Different asset
                           lesser benefits than standard            classes have different
                           investment options.                      levels of risk. Bank fixed
                           Here is a simple guide on how            deposits fetch you a post
                           to create a customized plan              tax return of 5.5% - 6.5%
                                                                    and carry inflation risk.

                                                              12 ARIHANT CAPITAL ¡ JANUARY 2016
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