Page 7 - Value Plus Jan 2016
P. 7


                                                         WILL IT BE
                                                         A SWEET ‘16?

                                                         The year 2015 will be remembered for
                                                         effective continuation of the primary bearish
                                                         trend in commodities that started to emerge
                                                         in late 2011 and gained strong foothold
                                                         in next couple of years. Be it Gold, Silver,
                                                         Crude Oil, Copper or Natural Gas, bears left
                                                         an overwhelming impact on trade. For agro
                                                         commodities, 2015 was another roller coaster
                                                         ride and there was no unanimous trend
                                                         following. Let us check how sweet will be
                                                         the New Year turn out to be:

BULLION                    ENERGY                        BASE METALS                AGRO COMMODITIES

Gold is expected to        Crude oil may break           Copper is expected to      Turmeric is likely to lead spices
extend its southward       below its crucial support     face another bearish       segment as the therapeutic
journey as the prices      of $32 and may extend the     tsunami in 2016. As        commodity has a high voltage
are already in a long      fall in the range of $28-$25  for Nickel, the worst is   presence on technical chart coupled
term primary bearish       in the first half of 2016     still not over. Both of    with an exciting high demand at
trend. It won’t be         which means that we           the base metals have       fundamental level. Prices may touch
surprising to see                                        tumbled with the rout      higher levels of Rs 11000-Rs 13000
gold trading in the        may see prices crushing       in Chinese markets.        per quintal. Dhaniya and Jeera are
range of $950 to $900                                    Fundamentals in the        likely to remain range bound to
in 2016. In Indian         below Rs 2000 in Indian       largest market, China      negative in first quarter. Positive
                           markets. It is clear that     don’t seem to improve      trend will start only in second half
market, we may             still a big chunk of bearish  in near term that further  of the year. In soy complex, Soybean
                           trend is remaining and        confirms the bearish       & Mustard seed may regain
see prices sliding         buying will come only         trend. Aluminium, Zinc     momentum in next couple of weeks
                           after prudent growth          and Lead will also see     since both the commodities are
towards Rs 23000-          emerges outside US or if                                 broadly in a positive trend. Soybean
22000 range. Silver        OPEC decides to end the       some selling pressure      may reclaim Rs 5000 level with soy
is also likely to shed     tussle with US by going
another 10-15% and         for a production cut.         but will find takers       oil following the suit for a target
find a support at $11.     However, any disruption
                           in Iranian crude oil          as they are better on      of Rs 850 while Mustard seed can
In Indian market,          supply or any geopolitical    fundamental level. Any     touch Rs 6500 mark post June. Guar
                           tension may provoke           new announcement from      complex is also likely to perform
prices may see a           short covering which may      China regarding easing     positively from here. Since prices
                           shape into a relief rally.    policy may provide a       are at a comparatively lower level
downside range             Natural Gas prices are        temporary support to       against upcoming demand, buying
                           likely to recover strongly    metals. Copper is likely   may take a sharp rise. Guar seed
of Rs 30000-27000.         in first half of 2016. We                                may display a huge rally above
However, Silver                                          to trade below Rs 300
is likely to get the       may see a quick rally         for most part of the       Rs 3500 with a target of Rs 7000
benefit of being                                         year whereas Nickel is
a semi-industrial          towards Rs 225-Rs 260                                    whereas Guar Gum will go strong
commodity. So, if                                        feared to break below
industrial growth          range once prices break                                  above Rs 7000 with a target of 	
outside U.S. starts        above Rs 180. Prices may      psychological support of   Rs 11000 for the year.
picking up in second       take a U-turn in post June    Rs 500 anytime soon.
half of 2016, it will get  period.
an edge over gold in                                                                7 ARIHANT CAPITAL ¡ JANUARY 2016
terms of investment.
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