Page 4 - Value Plus Jan 2016
P. 4

LPG SUBSIDY –                             Dhan Yojana cross Rs 26,819 crore as         ECONOMIC DATA
GIVE IT UP                                on December 2015.                            WRAP UP – DECEMBER

The government                            PRADHAN                                       •	 India Oct IIP grew by 9.8%
launched a ‘Give It Up’                   MANTRI MUDRA                                        in October from 3.8% in Sep
campaign in a bid to encourage well-      YOJANA (PMMY)                                       2015.
to-do individuals or families to give
up their LPG subsidy. This was aimed      The scheme was launched in April              •	 India Nov WPI inflation rose
at providing LPG to the needy and         2015. Over Rs 42,520 crore has been                 to 10-month high of (-) 1.99%
poor (especially those in rural India).   disbursed under the MUDRA Yojna to                  from (-) 3.81% in Oct 2015.
                                          more than 66 lakh borrowers. Under
MAKE IN INDIA                             the scheme, loans between Rs 50,000           •	 India Nov CPI inflation rose
                                          and Rs 10 lakh are provided to small                to 14-month high of 5.41%
PM Modi’s aggressive                      entrepreneurs.                                      from 5% in Oct 2015.
push to revive an ailing
manufacturing sector found resonance      DIGITAL INDIA                                 •	 India Jul-Sep GDP rose to
with India Inc. Measures like             MISSION                                             7.4% from 7% in Apr-Jun
single-window clearances, minimal                                                             2015. The high growth was
procedures and cutting out of red-        •	 Government has                                   driven by a robust 9.3% rise
tapism under Make in India campaign             launched digital employment                   in manufacturing sector.
are going to act as a vital impetus for         exchange for mapping skills.
employment and growth.                                                                  •	 India Oct FDI inflows rose to
•	 India-Russia have signed               •	 Union HRD Minister                               $6.20 bln from $3.76 bln YoY.
                                                launched Kendriya Vidyalaya
      landmark deal for Kamov 226               Sangthan’s (KVS) e-initiative           •	 India Nov trade deficit
      choppers during PM Modi’s                 ‘KV ShaalaDarpan’ aimed at                    narrowed to $9.78 bln vs
      Russia visit.                             providing information about                   $16.24 bln YoY.
•	 Japan offers bullet train and                students electronically on a single
      nuclear power assistance to India;        platform.                               •	 India Jul-Sep current account
      Japan will provide $12 billion for                                                      deficit narrowed to $8.2 bln
      constructing India’s first bullet   •	 Government announced that                        or 1.6% of GDP vs $10.9 bln
      train, as well as an incentive            major tourist spots like Sarnath,             or 2.2% of GDP YoY.
      of $12 billion for Japanese               Bodhgaya and Taj Mahal will
      companies investing in India.             have Wi-Fi facility as part of       ATAL PENSION
•	 Micromax to invest Rs 300 cr for             digital India initiative.            YOJANA
      ‘Make in India’.
                                          •	 Facebook, BSNL come together to         The scheme looks
SMART CITIES                                    set up 100 WiFi hotspots in rural    to provide monthly
MISSION                                         India.                               pension to subscribers from 60 years
                                                                                     of age. The scheme mainly focusses
Government has                            •	 Railway partners with Google for        on workers in the unorganised sector
launched an initiative to create                Wi-Fi at 400 stations.               and is open to Indian citizens who are
100 smart cities as well as Atal                                                     between 18-40 years of age.
Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban        SKILL INDIA
Transformation (AMRUT) for 500            MISSION                                    DEEN DAYAL
cities with an outlay of Rs 48,000 crore                                             UPADHYAYA
and Rs 50,000 crore respectively.         Launching ‘Skill India’,                   GRAM JYOTI
                                          Prime Minister Narendra                    YOJANA
PRADHAN                                   Nodi had said that India should
MANTRI JAN                                emerge as the ‘human resource capital’     This scheme launched by the NDA
DHAN YOJANA                               of the world as China has become           government is an Indian program
(PMJDY)                                   a global ‘manufacturing factory’.          which aims to provide 24*7 power
                                          Skill India Mission is a part of the       supply to all homes in rural India.
The Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana,       government’s ‘war against poverty’.
launched in August 2014 aims to make      The NDA government said it will
sure that every Indian has a bank         work towards equipping obver 40
account. The zero-balance account         crore people with adequate skill by
comes with several benefits such as       2022.
insurance & RuPay cards to withdraw
money. Deposits in accounts under Jan

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