Page 8 - Value Plus Jan 2016
P. 8

2016                            CMP: ` 66.30 - 66.10 (As on 31st Dec, 2015)
OUTSTANDING                     Buy on decline : ` 66.30 - 66.10
FOR US DOLLAR                   Target Price : ` 67.65 - 68.20

 We recommend buying            Stop-Loss: < ` 65.70
 in USD-INR December
 contract at Rs 66.30 – 66.10  The US dollar (USD) bull trend remains well-
 for the target of             entrenched. The USD will regain renewed impetus
 Rs 67.65 -68.20 with strict   in the year ahead, fuelled by growth and interest rate
 stop loss below Rs 65.70.     differentials. In addition, the USD will benefit from
                               the structural liquidity premium provided by deep
                               equity and debt securities. Many market participants
                               are already heavily invested in the USD-strengthening
                               trade. The USD is poised to resume an appreciating
                               trend against most “core” currencies supported by
                               growth and interest rate differentials.
                               The US economy is showing moderate growth
                               averaging around 2¼% y-o-y. While the latest reports
                               have been somewhat mixed, consumer spending and
                               housing activity remain well supported by pent-up
                               demand, a robust job market, rising income gains,
                               solid household balance sheets, cheap gasoline prices
                               and low borrowing costs.
                               The Indian economy continues to gain momentum
                               gradually. Real GDP is expected to pick-up to 7.6%
                               y-o-y in 2016-17. India’s industrial sector, led by
                               manufacturing, is showing signs of improvement with
                               sentiment recuperating and output increasing by 4.7%
                               y-o-y in the third quarter, the fastest pace of expansion
                               since the second quarter of 2011. Inflation is expected
                               to pick up further in the coming months, though it
                               is likely to remain below the Reserve Bank of India’s
                               (RBI) 6% target (set for January 2016). Monetary
                               conditions will likely remain accommodative for the
                               foreseeable future.
                               For this month also, we recommend to stay firm on
                               our last month’s USD-INR buying outlook. There
                               was some volatility witnessed in intraday charts of
                               USD-INR prices. But, USD-INR long term chart is still
                               looking in a smooth uptrend as indicated by ascending
                               trend channel pattern.

                               8 ARIHANT CAPITAL ¡ JANUARY 2016
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