Page 3 - Value Plus Jan 2016
P. 3


INSURANCE BILL                             MERGER OF FMC                             SUGAR SECTOR
                                           WITH SEBI                                 REFORM
Government raised FDI
cap in insurance from                      In the first ever merger                  The Cabinet Committee
26% to 49% through a                       of two regulators, over 60-year-old       on Economic Affairs
notification issued by the DIPP.           commodities regulatory body Forward       (CCEA) decided to pay a production
                                           Markets Commission (FMC) merged           linked subsidy of Rs 4.50 per quintal
BLACK MONEY                                with the capital markets watchdog         directly to cane farmers in 2015-16
BILL                                       Securities and Exchange Board of          season to help cash-starved sugar
                                           India (SEBI).                             mills clear arrears a move that would
A Bill to deal with                                                                  cost the exchequer about Rs 1,147
black money stashed                        SWACHH                                    crore.
abroad was passed in May 2015. The         BHARAT MISSION
Bill is aimed at bringing to justice                                                 FOREIGN DIRECT
and punishing Indians who have             The Government of                         INVESTMENT
undeclared accounts/assets abroad.         India launched Clean India Mission or     (FDI)
                                           Swachh Bharat Mission covering 4,041
NEW UREA                                   statutory cities and towns, to clean the  The government announced big
POLICY                                     streets, roads and infrastructure of the  bang Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
                                           country. The campaign was officially      reforms across 15 sectors including
The Cabinet approved                       launched on 2nd October 2014. World       defence, banking, construction, single
the New Urea Policy 2015, which            Bank approved $1.5 bln loan for           brand retail, e-commerce, agriculture
looks at adding urea production            Swachh Bharat Mission in December.        & animal husbandry, broadcasting and
capacity in the country to make India                                                civil aviation. The government also
self-sufficient in the next four years.    7TH PAY                                   raised the limit of Foreign Investment
                                           COMMISSION                                Promotion Board from current
SPECTRUM                                                                             Rs 3,000 crore to Rs 5,000 crore.
SHARING                                    The Seventh Central
                                           Pay Commission’s                          GOLD
The government                             recommendation of a 23.55% hike           MONETISATION
approved spectrum sharing between          in pay scales and pension of central      SCHEME
telecom companies to tackle the            government employees is expected to
issue of spectrum shortage. Telecom        generate a $15-billion stimulus (Rs 1     This scheme will allow
companies can now trade frequencies        lakh crore approx) for consumption        holders of gold to earn some regular
in 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz,             demand in India. The move has             interest on personal gold and save
2100 MHz, 2300 MHz and 2500 MHz            largely lifted the spirit of India’s      carrying costs as well. It is a gold
bands, but only two years after being      consumer-focused companies and is         savings account which will earn
assigned or winning an auction.            expected to boost their overall growth.   interest for the gold that you deposit
                                                                                     in it.
MAT EXEMPTION                              UDAY POWER
                                           SECTOR REFORM
Government exempted
Foreign Portfolio                          Cabinet cleared a $7
Investor (FPIs) from MAT.                  billion debt recast and reform package
                                           to revive loss making state utilities in
ONE RANK ONE                               November. Under this, state can also
PENSION POLICY                             issue bonds and the balance discom
                                           debt will be converted into loans or
Government announced                       bonds at concessional rates.
One Rank One Pension policy for ex-
servicemen with effect from July 1, 2014.

                                                                                     3 ARIHANT CAPITAL ¡ JANUARY 2016
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