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in 2017:

Options in the basket

The year 2016 broadly saw a positive trend in
major commodities. On one hand, precious
metals failed to convert the positivity seen in
first half into a rally while on the other hand,
base metals and energy segment performed
above expectations. For agro commodities,
2016 can be described as a dull year amid
various policy impacts and restrictions. Let
us see, what the New Year has in store for
commodity market as SEBI hints to start
options trading anytime soon.

Bullion                       Energy                         Base metals                     Agro commodities

For 2016, we expected         After hitting our forecasted   2016 will be remembered for     Jeera performed perfectly
bullion segment to remain     level of $26 for 2016, Crude   unprecedented rally seen in     in line with our forecast
bearish. However, the         oil bounced back sharply in    Zinc and Lead. Both metals      for 2016. As expected, the
then technically over-sold    last ten months to reclaim     are likely to continue to       aromatic spice shifted in
status of Gold and Silver     its bullish stature. The       shine amid an interesting       impulsive bullish rally in
propelled good buying         bounce back, in fact, turned   tussle over price spread.       second half of 2016. Jeera
support in the first half.    into a full-fledged rally as   The strategy should be to
It was in the second half,    prices saw a more than 100     go long at current levels in    may trade in Rs 22000-
after July, that the primary  percent rise. The rally now    both metals while traders
bearish trend showed its      has strong legs on technical   interested in spread strategy   Rs 25000 price territory
true colors. Our last year’s  chart and it would not be      should buy Zinc and sell        this year. Any correction
target range of $950-$900 in  surprising if prices touch                                     towards Rs 16000-Rs 15500
gold may be achieved this     levels above $72 within first  Lead at current difference      can be used for positional
year. In Indian market, we    three quarters. At MCX, a                                      buying. In soy complex,
                              price range around Rs 3300     of Rs 32 for a target of Rs 45  Soybean and Mustard seed
may see prices tumbling       qualifies as a good buying     to Rs 50 in next few months.    may extend their downside
                              point. Natural Gas followed    Copper and Aluminium,           by another 10% to 15% in the
towards Rs 24500-22000        in crude oil’s footsteps and   though immersed in a low        first quarter before regaining
range. Silver is having       showed a twofold growth        profile, are also expected      the momentum in second
key support at $16 which      in last ten months. The        to better their performance     half of the year. Soybean may
it briefly breached a few     impulsive rally is likely to   in 2017 but traders should
days ago but the real         continue in the first half of  wait for a healthy correction   reclaim Rs 4000 level while
breakdown will take place     2017 while we may see a        from here to take buying
when it closes below it on    follow through correction      positions. Nickel is also       Mustard seed can touch Rs
monthly basis. In worst       in the second half. Prices at  likely to take a decisive       5500 mark post June. Guar
case, the breakdown may                                      turn in 2017 after trading      complex is likely come out
take prices towards next      MCX may see upside till        in a positive yet lackluster    of the sluggish zone this year
important support of $11.                                    manner. The distant cousin      and take a decisive turn. We
                              Rs 330-360. Buy on small
In Indian market, prices                                     of silver may see an upper      may get to see a consistent
                              dips from here.                range of Rs 900-1050 in 2017.
may see a downside range                                                                     rally above Rs 3500 which

of Rs 30000-27000.                                                                           may take prices towards Rs

                                                                                             5500-6000 range.

                                                                                             10 ARIHANT CAPITAL ¡ JANUARY 2017
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