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2017:                                 One, the fundamentals of            level since fuel prices will see
Another                                         US economy remained       another upside by at least five
milestone                                       on a positive track in    percent but in long term it will
for                                   2016 but the Indian economy too     be beneficial for our economy.
USD-INR:                              performed strongly in first ten     The next big event is the
Breaking                              months on the back of a stable      union budget in February. It
the old                               growth amid successful ‘make        is highly expected to bring
territory?                            in India’ call. This kept Dollar’s  major personal tax reform
                                      gain under check and we can see     amid a blueprint of plans to
2016 proved to be a year of low       that a major part of Dollar’s gain  roll out GST from 1st April.
momentum and small range              has come in last two months         If tax reforms fit in line
trading in Indian currency            of demonetization which is          with public and corporate
market. The most popular              expected to have a temporary        expectations then we may
currency pair, USD-INR,               impact on our economy, say for      see a short term appreciation
however is on the verge of            another quarter.                    in INR. However, the
posting a three percent plus          Two, the big revival plans of       appreciation is not likely to
gain but if we measure the            Indian government surely needs      sustain in long run due to
range from bottom to top then         large spending on infrastructure    major revival plans with full
it stops at a gap of just Rs 3, i.e.  which we have seen growing          focus on increasing exports.
to say the yearly low which is        day by day in last two and a        So, 2017 can be another
marked around Rs 66 is only           half years. Plans like ‘make        milestone like 2013 when INR
behind by Rs 3 from the yearly        in India’ actually needs stable     broke out into a new territory
top which is hovering around          but a slightly devalued INR         of 60’s. This year it may break
Rs 69. This is the lowest top-        so that the exports become          into 70’s. Get ready!
bottom range seen after 2010.         fruitful. The India government      On technical charts too,
This comes as a crucial point         is working hard to boost exports    a major breakout above
in analyzing USD-INR and has          and the move has definitely         psychological resistance
two aspects.                          affected INR. If reports are to be  seems to be on the cards.
                                      believed, the value of one USD      Any breakout above Rs 69 on
                                      should be around Rs 72 if India     monthly chart may take USD
                                      has to become the next universal    towards a range of Rs 71-72.
                                      manufacturing hub. Clearly, as      All in all, long term traders
                                      the plans like ‘make in India’      and exporters can look to buy
                                      will see progress in coming         USD-INR on any breakout
                                      days, we will see a depreciating    above Rs 69 OR on dips till
                                      INR till the above mentioned        Rs 65 for a yearly target in
                                      levels. However, this will, in      the range of Rs 71-72.
                                      turn, increase inflation at local
                                                                          11 ARIHANT CAPITAL ¡ JANUARY 2017
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