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Golden Rules

 to Stay Healthy & Wealthy

     Mr. Umesh Rathi                      Early Start:                           aids in the prevention of a variety
                                                                                 of diseases and health problems, as
Certified Financial Plannercm at       We know the old                           well as helping to maintain a healthy
Arihant Capital Markets Limited        saying “Early                             body weight, providing energy and
                                       to bed, early to                          promoting a general feeling of well-
 So many people spend their            rise makes a man                          being.
 health gaining wealth and then        healthy, wealthy
 regret later to spend their wealth    and wise”. It’s                           There are many important decisions
 regaining health. Sounds true? In     true. All of                              one must make when deciding how to
 this 9-7 office work hour routine,    these benefits of                         invest. Many people tend to focus on
 when most of us are busy              waking up early                           picking the right stock or getting into
 impressing our boss, yearning for     fuse together into one great benefit -    the market at the right time. However,
 the next promotion or aiming for      the benefit is possibly living a longer,  perhaps the most important and often
 the yearly bonus,thinking about       healthier life.Waking up early may be     overlooked decision is an investor’s
 the two critical pillars of our life  hard but with baby steps, even if it’s    asset allocation.
 - Health and Wealth seems far-        just waking up 15 minutes earlier to
 fetched. However, while earning       start with - you can start improving      Asset allocation is the process
 money is important, looking           your quality of life.                     of balancing risk and reward by
 after our health and making our                                                 apportioning a portfolio’s assets such
 money work for us is equally          Starting investing early in life has      as stocks, bonds, real estate, cash and
 important too.                        numerous benefits. The eighth wonder      bullion according to an investor’s
                                       of the world – power of compounding       goals, risk tolerance and investment
 Hence, we would like to share with    works in your favour when you start       horizon.
 you 7 open secrets to stay Healthy    early. Further you have the ability
 and Wealthy for our happiness and     to take higher risk to generate higher     “Do not put all your eggs in
 overall well-being.                   returns, your spending habits improve      one basket”- Warren Buffett.
                                       and you take a step ahead of everyone
                                       else. All of these benefits of investing      Regular:
                                       early fuse together into one great
                                       benefit- creation of higher wealth and    Regular
                                       keeping you on track to achieving         exercise is
                                       your goals.                               necessary
                                                                                 for physical
                                        “I made my first investment at           fitness and
                                        age 11. I was wasting my life up         good health.
                                        until then”- Warren Buffett.             It reduces
                                                                                 the risk of
                                           Balanced:                             heart disease,
                                                                                 cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes
                                       A well-                                   and other diseases. It can improve
                                       balanced diet                             your appearance and delay the aging
                                       provides the                              process.
                                       right vitamins,
                                       minerals and                              SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) can
                                       nutrients to                              help inculcate the habit of regular
                                       keep the body                             saving by automatically deducting
                                       and mind                                  a predetermined amount from
                                       strong and healthy. Eating well also      your bank account at a pre-set date
                                                                                 and investing it in a mutual fund
                                                                                 scheme. The biggest advantage of

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