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Monthly Market Roundup                                         Market Outlook: May
                                                               Going ahead, Indian equity markets upward
Indian equity markets           surged on possible deep        momentum will continue and factors like Q4FY17
started the month of April      cuts in corporate and          corporate earnings, fund inflows and key economic
on a flattish note. News        individual tax rates           reforms will drive the markets. Global economic
of missile attack in Syria      proposed by President          growth prospects, political stability in India,
by US sent shockwaves           Donald Trump to stimulate      improving fundamentals, implementation of key
throughout the global           the US economy and lower-      reforms are the factors responsible for renewed
markets, with investors         than-expected tightening of    interest of foreign investors. On the economic
flocking to safe assets.        interest rates by the Federal  data front, the US FOMC meeting which will be
In the latter half of the       Reserve.                       scheduled on 3rd May, 2017 will impact the markets.
month, market sentiments        The month finally ended        Further, Japanese monetary policy meeting minutes,
improved and created            with upward bias as S&P        French Presidential election results, BoE Monetary
history as benchmark index      BSE Sensex delivered           Policy and European Central Bank (ECB) monetary
BSE Sensex closed above         positive returns of 1.01%      policy meeting minutes will be keenly watched
the 30,000 mark on 26           to settle at 29918.40 and      by market participants. Hence, we recommend
April, 2017 for the first time  Nifty50 gained 1.42%           investors to adopt buy on dips strategy and invest
ever on positive news from      ending the month at            in fundamentally strong companies for long term
the parliament nod for the      9304.05.                       perspective.
GST bills, strong quarterly     On the institutional side,
earnings, positive global       foreign institutional            Nifty Technical Outlook: May
cues, strong economic           investors (FIIs) bought
fundamentals, FII inflows       Rs 2,394.49 crore worth of          Nifty
and an appreciating rupee.      equities during the month
An impressive victory by        while domestic mutual           On the monthly chart, we are observing a spinning
the ruling BJP government       fund houses continued           top which gives small clue that the previous four
in Delhi MCD elections          their buying spree with net     month rally is losing breath. Hence, a consolidation
also boosted the market         purchases of Rs 9,917.53        or a minor correction from current level cannot be
sentiments.                     crore in April 2017.            ruled out. In the coming month if Nifty trades and
Further, global markets                                         closes above 9363 level then it is likely to test 9448
                                                                – 9534 – 9633 levels. However, if Nifty trades and
Economic Data Wrap Up – April                                   closes below 9244 level then it can test 9159 – 9074 –
                                                                8975 levels.
¡	 India's Mar Nikkei           ¡	 India’s Mar CPI              Broadly, we are of the opinion that monthly trend
   manufacturing PMI rose          inflation rose to 3.81%      is up and at present there is no sign of weakness.
   to 52.5 from 50.7 in Feb.       from 3.65% in Feb.           In current month 9120 holds significance. Hence,
                                                                as long as Nifty holds the mentioned level
¡	 India’s Mar Nikkei           ¡	 India’s Mar WPI              on closing basis there is high probability that
   Services PMI rose to            inflation fell to 5.70%      markets are likely to test 9400 – 9600 levels in
   51.5 from 50.3 in Feb.          from 6.55% in Feb.           couple of months.

¡	 India’s Feb IIP growth       ¡	 India’s Mar trade deficit
   fell to -1.2% vs 3.3% in        rose to $10.44 bln from
   Jan.                            $4.40 bln YoY.

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